Adding the value you expect from your local pharmacy.
If you don't see a service, please reach out to us so we can help.
Patient Resources

We strive to meet your needs both in the pharmacy and online. Our website is a great resource tool for almost any topic or drug. Browse our daily videos and articles or use our search function on our Patient Resource page. Found a great article? Share articles and videos directly to your social media account. We also provide the ability to check drug interactions and identify pills.
Prescription Refills

Time is precious and we're here to help! Access your family's prescriptions wherever you are. We offer 4 convenient ways to request a refill:
1. Give us a call with the Rx# you wish to refill and we'll let you know when it's ready.
2. Create an online account for your family. Click
Sign-Up Today and begin the registration process. Once you have created an account, you will be able to
login, view your active prescriptions and submit them for refill. It's just that easy!
3. Without registering, you can utilize the "Quick Refill" located on our Home Page and quickly submit a prescription for refill. This feature is available to all our patients, registered or not.
4. Always on the go? Download our mobile app and refill your prescriptions anywhere. You can either enter the prescription number manually or by scanning the barcode on your vial label, if available.
Gift Shop

Toys, candles, baby items, children's books, locally written books, purses, men's gifts, flashlights, PJ pants, "hello mellow" lizzies cheese straws.
Immunizations and Vaccinations

Flu vaccine, pneumonia, shingles, hep A, hep B, T DAP, COVID -in stock with others available. Call the pharmacy for more information
Unit Dose Packaging

Cold Seal bubble pack cards - can do AM/PM, each drug in a different card.
Key Making Services

Get your keys made quickly! We offer key copying services for cars, homes, and anything else with a standard-sized key.

Do you take multiple medications regularly? Our MedSync program through Prescribe Wellness can put all your prescriptions on the same schedule, saving you time and reducing your pharmacy visits to once a month.

Available for a $3 fee and we can deliver to the West August area, if unsure-call and ask!
Curbside Pickup

Running short on time? Our pharmacy can do your shopping for you and deliver it right to your car! Give us a call for further details